
note: we sometimes recommend 3rd party affiliate products we like, this equals cookies — cookies allows folks like us to earn some income for any referrals we make.  If this is an issue or offends you, we apologize, We hope you will still stay & check out our menu bar of all the cool things we are working on.  Your being here is an honor to us!

ahh, and before we go any further — just a small shout out.. we are looking for a multigenerational long term investor who would be willing to help us save our family’s property so that we can be allowed to save what is on the inside and to be able to convert the outside of the property into an edible oasis that people can visit & harvest fresh locally organically grown food from & feel regenerated by.  It may take a couple of generations to accomplish what we want to be able to accomplish, though bc we have some disabilities & obstacles that will make this a very slow accomplishment, BUT in the long term/long run, this will ideally turn the properties into a place that gives back, both financially/monetarily, and in many other ways both to the community, to the owners, & to the estate itself.  Eventually, as the estate starts to bring in some income, the estate will put back half the profits to buy back your portion of the estate so that the estate can become fully self-owned and self-sufficient.  This makes take a few generations to buy your portion back from you — that is why it will need to be considered a multigenerational investment.

okay, now back to everyone else  …

Welcome! We love that you took the time to be here..  thank you for being curious about us & for wanting to know more.

It an Honor & a Privilege that you are willing to take this time to learn more bc We have so so much we want to share with you.

For some reason, Your Existence has crossed paths With Our Lives, and our hope is that Now, You Will Choose to Be Connected to Us Over the Years to Come Through ALL the Links we will provide.

Your Connection Matters!

Your caring, your patience, your acceptance … all this is needed!

Please Choose to be CONNECTED  — and also to feel accepted & celebrated by us, also, just as you are!       —     WE ACCEPT YOU AS YOU ARE!

Our hope is that you will choose to be an active participant in connecting to us each month by connecting with us on ALLL of our YouTube Channels, Twitter or Facebook pages, and other links that we are going to provide you with.

YOU ARE IMPORTANT!!!      Your Participation Matters!



How you treat us and others, how you connect with us, it all matters to us.

So,  Why connect to us? Who Are We, And Why We Matter:

We are a homeschooling family desperately trying to be allowed to have the Choice and Freedom to be allowed to continue to Homeschool, to work from home and as a team together, and to be able to SOMEHOW figure out how to save our family’s property, so that we may be allowed to convert our family’s property into an incredible edible oasis, — hopefully for you to be able to come & visit it & to be able to feel refreshed, revitalized, & rejuvenated each and every time you visit us.

We have a long way to go, but we desperately need your help to accomplish what we envision.

You can help in so so so many ways, from hiring us for one of the services we list in a moment, to giving a dollar donation once a month if you think you can afford it to cheer us on, or by just simply signing up on ALL of our links and following along.

The more links you follow along on, the more help you will be providing to us.                                                                                  Thank you  ever ever so much.

We have so much we would like to share with you.

What we can do for you —  Well, IF you let us,

We would ever so much like to teach you

1) about Bodymind Listening (learning to listen to yourself and to others with both your body and your mind)


2) about creating an edible oasis in your very own space preferably with an emphasis on a bodymind connection to your space  ie. Bodymind Gardening

There are also other small  jobs we would love to be able to do for you if you could help us to get the equipment for it.

For example, IF were to be able to get us the proper camera equipment, or even just one of those new amazing cool smart camera phones that take amazing videos and pictures, then 3) we would totally love to make videos for you and also be your very own personal photographer.

Or IF you were able to get us a decent micrphone with a stand that can lean over, we would 4) completely LOVE to audio recordings or voiceovers for you.  We also would love to record some of faciscinating philosphical conversations for you and make a podcast for you.

IF you could get us the equipment to do so (cameras, mics and high ram laptop), then we would 5) make some streaming videos for you while we cooked in the kitchen or worked in the garden? Or while Eagle did some of his designing? Or while we made a podcast?

IF you could get us a high-ram computer with an amazing graphics card then 6) kiddo could try to go about and make you some graphic designs, cartoons etc?

IF you were able to help us get the plants, we could 7) create an edible orchard oasis filled many beautiful edible flowers which you could then come & visit & sit & rest in or do your art in or some yoga in.  😀     ♡ <this is our actual dream>♡


  1. 8) IF you help pay for the bulk fairtrade chocolate & other bulk organic ingredients, and for our time and labor, we will also make you some interesting, if not delicious chocolate treats and or nutrient muffins or bars that are both nutritious and interesting.


We are designers, artists, creators, healers, bodymindlisteners, bodymind connectors and bodymind gardeners! And we want to use the skills and talents to be able to help you on your own journey!

So, please please please, Make sure you are signed up to follow along on ALL of our social media links and other links we will provide both to learn more but also to simply be connected to us, please!

Our purpose, beyond saving our home and trying to be allowed to have the freedom to work from home and homeschool, is also to find a way to do this (with your blessing and your permission and your willingness)  in a way which ALSO HELPS YOU as we share with you the knowledge we come across and with the skill sets we happen to have.

We’d like to be able to do this in such a way that also helps you with your own awareness

– and hopefully it will also help you to learn how to strive to live in symbiotic harmony with both yourself and us, and also with others around you in the world around you — both with your mind, with your body, and even with your very essence of being!

In many ways, WE are here bc we want to try do our part to try to help you (and us) to help create a better ideal world for both yourself and for ourselves — and maybe even to hopefully figure  out how to even make a  better world for all of us with our ideas & our projects.

why?  ‘Why?!’ : why?

this may seem a little out there or different then you can imagine possible, But the answer is bc in an ideal world, we want you and I  to BOTH OF US to be a part of collaborating and creating a peaceful harmonious, regenerative symbiotic interconnected haven where we are all able to rejuvenate and live in peaceful symbiotic harmonious interconnection with each other & the world around us.

I know that sentence sounds like a lot.  but think about it: living in harmony with each other and the world around us — I mean seriously,  wouldn’t you want to be a part of something like that, too?  We hope so.

We really do believe, that with your willingness to help us, that with your willingness to just simply connect with us, and with your willingness to be a part of our journey , that some of our goals can actually be done.

We would  also love it if we could do it all by learning an emotional & body awareness at the same time, which we can then use for better communication, conflict transformation, and to have better understanding and functionality in the world around us.

(yes, I know that’s asking for a lot more and we should start simple.. first.  just connect with us on ALL of our links. please, thank you 😀 )

My hope is along the way we will both learn to live in a slightly more symbiotic harmony with the natural environment & the land/space around us – converting our own space and maybe creating others spaces that are not only self sustainable but which also rejuvenate the soul, spirit, and body!

Wouldn’t it be amazing, if with your help, that we could manage to  create such an abundance of energy & resources,  that our space overflows with such abundance that it contributes Back TO the Grid,  rather then taking from the grid, all while rejuvenating you along the way, leaving you feeling peaceful, serene, rejuvenated and empowered ready to teach and transform other places along the way.. as a chemistry chain reaction of inspiration to you and others as we go!

We begin with our own space and with a desire to also inspire you with the chemistry of our own connection to you.

But Please please please, we really and truly NEED your help us to make this all become a reality, with your permission and with your blessing and with your willing participation.

We need you to be willing to be a part of this!

Please make sure you are connected via our email  list, through our patreon page:www.patreon.com/KeE  and through ALL of our social media sites.

thank you.

Or if you don’t feel like connecting with us directly but still are proud of us for at least trying to do something good in this world, and would just like to just send a dollar donation, and then you can just send a gift to our personal paypal link here : paypal.me/pools/c/7Zy2QR6pif

Don’t forget , on top of our many fun videos we make of our lives to share with you on youtube(reality tv style) and on top of the art we create for you (check out eagle’s art creations) and on top of the recommendations of information and products we discover and share with you (check out our affiliate stores), we also offer bodymind listening sessions, bodymind connecting sessions, consulting for edible gardening and bodylistening and misc coaching services and we can even do some virtual assistant work for you — which we  offer to you so that you can feel even more supported and connected and even more special and treasured and appreciated and  important to us then you already are!

Again, Some extra special gifts we can offer you:

1)being your very own personal  body-mind listening consultant

2) being your very own edible oasis/garden consultant with an empahsis on strengthing your body-mind connection to your suuroundings,

3)being your very own homeschooling consultant with  emphasis on body-mind gardening

4) can also create logos and other misc designs for you as well (Eagle is an amazing logo designer)

5)get us a camera, and let us take video and photographs for you as well

(speaking of which, we could really use some volunteers to be a part of some of the videos we want to make for our youtube channels, so please let us know)

6) making audio recordings for you

7) being a personal assistant in any way we find doable and within our boundaries and limitations.

8) your very own personal chef: we also make amazing high protien and nutrient bars and chocolate and or carob treats that usually taste way better then what you find in any grocery store.

Think of us as your very own personal body-mind gardener/ assistants/chef/consultants and design artists.   😀  😀  😀

yum.  thank you for making sure you are connected to us at the very least through all of the links we provide you with.

It means a lot to us that you will let us be a part of your world and that you are willing to be a part of helping us out in our world as well.

Thank you!

Thank you for your support and encouragement and for your help with helping us to make our dream come true to be allowed to continue to have the freedom to home-school Eagle and to help us to try to save our family’s property

and thank you for your help us to help make the transformation we dream for our home into a reality.

THANK YOU!  thank you!  thank you!  really, I really don’t think i can thank you enough for your compassion, your consideration, your connection to us on ALL of our links we provide you, and most importantly any financial donations or bartering you happen to make with us.!

  1. Thank you!

The Nexonivv Universe, and The Meothynian Empire

Originally a dumping ground for EagleP’s ideas, it has now turned into a place of Realistic Futurism.
Its a little Sci-Fi universe he created, and their main inhabitants, the Meothynians.
The Meothynians are basically psychic Cat People.
Psychic because they have developed psyonic abilities, and most have either Telepathy, Telekinesis, Teleportation, and/or other semi-psychic abilities.”

Mainly Eagle wants it to be a Sci-Fi Universe where the Technology, Lore, Science, and more, Realistically makes sense.
A place where the laws of physics (with some leeway) are not overrun with nonsense!

We invite you to check it out  your interested in the idea of Realistic Futurism in a Sci-Fi Universe, or if you have ideas for Tech, Ships, Factions or suggestions on the Lore, and if you just want to hang out and have fun!
Heres the main Deviant Art page, it should have links to more stuff!

This is an example of a homepage section. Homepage sections can be any page other than the homepage itself, including the page that shows your latest blog posts.


Who we are:

We are a homeschooling family of healers and designers who like to video, photograph, & audio record our lives as we try to create interesting designs, edible oaisi, practice healing bodymindlistening, and encouraging the creation of bodymind garden spaces.

We are videographers, photographers, audiographers, designers, artists, creators, healers, bodymindlisteners & bodymindgardeners.

Our goal is to learn to live in symbiotic harmony with both you and others and the world around us, but also with ourselves.

Our mission:

To practice as close to zero-waste as we can.

To record and document as much of our evolution as we can and to share as much of it as we feel comfortable with, with you.

{Kind of like a reality tv show (lol, kind of like the Truman show I suppose.  (Opening up parts of our life to you is a scary and intimidating project, so we need your patience and compassion and considerate support to do this))}

With your help and without wasting a bit of what is already here, To try to save our familys property and to slowly transform that property into a place that you would enjoy visiting, & would feel regenerated and reviatalized after every time you visited with us.  🙂

long term mission:

To try to create peaceful harmonious, regenerative symbiotic interconnected places

— where people are able to rejuvenate and live in peaceful symbiotic harmonious interconnection with both each other, and the world around them –

To encourage practicing an emphasis on emotional & body awareness to be used for


2)conflict transformation,


3) learning how to live in a symbiotic harmony with the natural environment and the land and space around themselves —

–creating spaces that are not only self sustainable but which also rejuvenate the soul, spirit, and body

and which create such an abundance of energy and resources that the space overflows with such abundance that it contributes back TO the grid rather then taking from the grid,

rejuvenating you along the way, leaving you feeling peaceful, serene, rejuvenated and empowered

ready to teach and transform the next place you go!

Please let us connect with you!

Please help us to help our mission to become a reality! Pleaase!.

Join www.patreon.com/KeE

Remember, Sign up and Follow along on ALLL of our Links and Social Media Sites.

Become a paying member of our community, even if it is only a single little dollar once a month.

Please.  Thank you!

Please let us our sharing of our lives and what we know and what we come across  help you with your own awareness of how to live in symbiotic harmony with both yourself and other and the world around you.

  • Let our ideas & our projects be of great value to you and worth every penny you put towards us

Let us share our mission and journey with you – by your following along on ALL of the links we provide youJoin our mailing list and stay connected to us over the many years and decades to come!

In 20 years, be able to say you became to connected to us from the beginning!

why: so you can say you were a part of this.

So you can say you were a part of this creating peaceful harmonious, regenerative symbiotic interconnected places where people are able to rejuvenate and live in peaceful symbiotic harmonious interconnection with each other and the world around them by learning an emphasis on emotional & body awareness to be used for communication, conflict transformation, and how to live in symbiotic harmony with the natural environment and the land and space around themselves creating spaces that are not only self sustainable but which also rejuvenate the soul, spirit, and body and which create such an abundance of energy and resources that the space overflows with such abundance that it contributes back TO the grid rather then taking from the grid, rejuvenating you along the way, leaving you feeling peaceful, serene, rejuvenated and empowered ready to teach and transform the next place you go!

Together lets make this “why” become a reality: 


become a paying member of our community right HERE,

right NOW!


You can afford it: $1/month each month


Let’s make this happen!

Believe it!,  it DOES make a difference!

You Make the Difference!

ALLOW Your Connection to Us

Be of Value to You!

Thank you!!



Blogs stuff and other misc info


The best way to contact us is by subscribing to www.patreon.com/KeE,

Or through any one of our facebook pages links :
EagleP. A Designers Journey,
Ideas2ThinkAbout  .
Ideas2Explore ,
HoustonHugelkultur & Other Low Water Maintenaince Ideas

twitter links:

or through youtube:
though our krineteagle journeys channel ,
our cooking channel ,
our cat channel ,
body listening channel,
or through our HopingforaGarden.com channel

or our instagram pages: https://www.instagram.com/eaglep.adesignersjourney,

we invite you to challenge your thoughts:

videos about edible gardening can be found on www.hopingforagarden.com, krineteaglesjourneys” youtube channel & on our “eatinglight,cookingenlightment” cooking channel

Please also Join our Compassionate Communication Group:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/322328199559/  , apartment gardening FB group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/1325876334184283/
edible apartment gardening FB group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/1954702494850644/
Creators of Yummy Oasis FB group :   https://www.facebook.com/groups/2000281383543922/

Blogs: https://www.kexperimentalrecipes.blogspot.com,
https://www.eaglescat.blogspot.com, https://www.evolutionofkrinandeagle.blogspot.com,
https://www.hopingforagarden.blogspot.com , 
shhhh_mama, ______,It’s gonna be O’tay. Mama, Breathe, MaMa,smile,
A different perspective https://acontroversialmama.blogspot.com
Eagles CAT – meow
Zaninesss, silliness, learning and the energy rollercoaster!
Having Hope

Long term goal: working together with you one dollar at a time to let my son know that even though his dad left, that his opinions and thoughts that are expressed in these projects matter!, to help save this special property as a safe place not only for him, but also for you to come and visit and rest and rejuvenate at the places we create for you.

As time passes, we hope you will help us convert this property into a safe haven for you to come and visit as one of your rewards options.. & to put it all in a trust for visitors like you to always have available to come and visit and learn from it, as it demonstrates edible urban gardening and regenerative living.. once this is done or at same time, together may we start a non-profit company helping others by creating urban food forests both in abandoned lots and where people live so they can always have access to some freshly growing regenerative food orchards in their neighborhoods

Our Creations & Our Company also incorporates harmonious gardening programs with teaching bodymind awareness, communication, compassion communication, body listening, empathy listening, emotional awareness /understanding, and conflict transformation skills combining together to create a symbiotic harmonious haven.

A dollar from you is like a big Hug. Give a big HUG through  https://www.patreon.com/KeE

We will look forward to your connection, YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO US!

Get your very own private consultation/coaching sessions to help you create your own regenerative oasis world filled with empathy and learn conflict transformations with us to create a safe haven of understanding and rejuvenating peacefulness in your life.

Sign up on Patreon.com/KeE ,

or Sign Up to become a member of our very own personal KrinetEagle Community HERE.