
Who we are:

We are a homeschooling family of healers and designers who like to video, photograph, & audio record our lives as we try to create interesting designs, edible oaisi, practice healing bodymindlistening, and encouraging the creation of bodymind garden spaces.

We are videographers, photographers, audiographers, designers, artists, creators, healers, bodymindlisteners & bodymindgardeners.

Our goal is to learn to live in symbiotic harmony with both you and others and the world around us, but also with ourselves.

Our mission:

To practice as close to zero-waste as we can.

To record and document as much of our evolution as we can and to share as much of it as we feel comfortable with, with you.

{Kind of like a reality tv show (lol, kind of like the Truman show I suppose.  (Opening up parts of our life to you is a scary and intimidating project, so we need your patience and compassion and considerate support to do this))}

With your help and without wasting a bit of what is already here, To try to save our familys property and to slowly transform that property into a place that you would enjoy visiting, & would feel regenerated and reviatalized after every time you visited with us.  🙂

long term mission:

To try to create peaceful harmonious, regenerative symbiotic interconnected places

— where people are able to rejuvenate and live in peaceful symbiotic harmonious interconnection with both each other, and the world around them –

To encourage practicing an emphasis on emotional & body awareness to be used for


2)conflict transformation,


3) learning how to live in a symbiotic harmony with the natural environment and the land and space around themselves —

–creating spaces that are not only self sustainable but which also rejuvenate the soul, spirit, and body

and which create such an abundance of energy and resources that the space overflows with such abundance that it contributes back TO the grid rather then taking from the grid,

rejuvenating you along the way, leaving you feeling peaceful, serene, rejuvenated and empowered

ready to teach and transform the next place you go!

Please let us connect with you!

Please help us to help our mission to become a reality! Pleaase!.

Join www.patreon.com/KeE

Remember, Sign up and Follow along on ALLL of our Links and Social Media Sites.

Become a paying member of our community, even if it is only a single little dollar once a month.

Please.  Thank you!

Please let us our sharing of our lives and what we know and what we come across  help you with your own awareness of how to live in symbiotic harmony with both yourself and other and the world around you.

  • Let our ideas & our projects be of great value to you and worth every penny you put towards us

Let us share our mission and journey with you – by your following along on ALL of the links we provide youJoin our mailing list and stay connected to us over the many years and decades to come!

In 20 years, be able to say you became to connected to us from the beginning!

why: so you can say you were a part of this.

So you can say you were a part of this creating peaceful harmonious, regenerative symbiotic interconnected places where people are able to rejuvenate and live in peaceful symbiotic harmonious interconnection with each other and the world around them by learning an emphasis on emotional & body awareness to be used for communication, conflict transformation, and how to live in symbiotic harmony with the natural environment and the land and space around themselves creating spaces that are not only self sustainable but which also rejuvenate the soul, spirit, and body and which create such an abundance of energy and resources that the space overflows with such abundance that it contributes back TO the grid rather then taking from the grid, rejuvenating you along the way, leaving you feeling peaceful, serene, rejuvenated and empowered ready to teach and transform the next place you go!

Together lets make this “why” become a reality: 


become a paying member of our community right HERE,

right NOW!


You can afford it: $1/month each month


Let’s make this happen!

Believe it!,  it DOES make a difference!

You Make the Difference!

ALLOW Your Connection to Us

Be of Value to You!

Thank you!!