Longevity Spinach (Gynura procumbens) Stems – Medicinal and edible salad green


20 in stock


1 Bare Stem

A sturdy and long-lasting plant.
The lettuce like leaves can be eaten raw or cooked, and have been shown to be great at controlling arthritis and hypertension, and have anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, antihyperglycemic, and anti-cancer properties.

Putting them in a cup of water often works well for the Longevity Spinach, as that is how we often root any bare stems of it. For the most part one can count on it doing well in water, though if you want it to produce lots of leaves, it will need to be in either nutrient water or in dirt with at least an hour or two of sun.

Longevity Spinach grows best when planted in any ground with dappled shade to full sun, and grows faster when watered thoroughly, but can survive with mild watering. It will die in frosts if the roots are not thoroughly insulated, so either cover it with leaves or put it in a pot that you can bring inside, and make sure to take several cuttings just before first freeze and grow them in water until spring. The stems can usually last for months in water.

Longevity Spinach plants grow into a stalky low lying shrub, and it’s leaves tastes a bit like lettuce, and it is easy to re-root via stems, providing you plenty of edible-raw greens.



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