Orange Daylily (Hemerocallis Fulva) 1 Rooted Bulb – Bright edible orange flowers.


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REMINDER: You are strongly encouraged to do your own research before eating any plants that you are not familier with.

The daylily is a small lily-like plant that does very well in full sun, but will happily grow in partial sun too, and doesnt seem to care about a specific watering amount.

The plant is very sturdy and low maintenance, and will form a nice low wall or a dense mat, perfect for landscaped areas and their borders, and will bloom their signature bright orangeish large flowers in the summer and autumn.

Unlike true lilies, the daylily is in the family Asphodelaceae, and thus has a fleshy root rather then the typical lily-bulb base, and in fact, compared to actual lilies, the daylily plant is more closely related to, of all things, asparagus!

It’s genus name, Hemerocallis, comes from the the greek words for ‘day’ and ‘beautiful’, and indeed while it will produce many blooms during flowering season, and will bloom for a couple weeks at a time, each of it’s large flowers will generally last for only a day, but put on quite the beautiful display in their time of glory.

The entire plant is edible, according to our research, and will self-propagate through runners, letting your beautiful, edible, and sturdy daylily plant grow confidently and flower vibrantly.

The large flower petals are edible raw, packed with orange-coloring carotenoids that are good for your eyes, and have a chewy but crunchy texture, adds a beautiful topping over many dishes, and the flower buds are rich in protein and vitamins C and A.

The green grassblade-like leaf are also said to be edible especially when young, but we haven’t tried them yet ourselves.

The fleshy tubers the plant produces below ground are also said to be edible when cooked or steamed, almost like potatoes.

Warning: Be careful which daylily you are eating because some variants and cultivars of daylily may have become quite poisonous due to specific breeding. Only eat cultivars you know to be safe.

From our research the plant we sell is Hemerocallis fulva, which is known to be edible, but we may be inaccurate on this, or you may be allergic, so conducting your own research is highly emphasized.

REMINDER: It is very important that you do your own research before trying any new type of plant, since there is always the possibility that we missed vital information, or misunderstood what we have read.
Also practice caution the first time you ever try a new plant because you personally might have be allergic to, or have an adverse reaction to some plant that may be safe for other people.

Dining on Daylilies

Eating daylilies (Hemerocallis)


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